Friday, April 25, 2008

I won movie tickets to Expelled

About two weeks ago I got this e-mail about a contest to win tickets to Expelled. So I entered it but the e-mail adress was wrong and I noticed they purposely spelled gmail wrong so I resent it with the correct adress and I won two tickets to Expelled. Free tickets are always awesome. It was movie I wanted to see, so now I can, without paying an arm and a leg to go see it. IF you don't know about the movie check out my previous blog I commented about it.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Weight loss

I don't know if anyone read this or cares. I am down to 204. But....Sabrina bought a new scale and I actually weigh 211. So I guess I was heavier before and I am not closer to 200. I am a bit disappointed but I am still going to keep trying.